Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning
CITL Services
The Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CITL) offers a variety of resources and services to assist faculty in achieving innovation and excellence within the classroom and across campus. View a full list of the services offered and learn more below.
Course Design Consultations
The Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning's team of Instructional Designers and Instructional Technology Specialists provide individual and group consultations.
Instructional Technology Assistance
The Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning's team of Instructional Designers and Instructional Technology Specialists provide individual and group consultations.
Small Group Instructional Diagnostic
Small Group Instructional Diagnosis (SGID) is a simple and straightforward evaluation process that uses structured small group discussions among students in a class to provide confidential feedback to an instructor, generally around the midpoint of a term.
Classroom Observations
Classroom Observations are a helpful tool for improving your course by welcoming member(s) of the CITL Team into your class sessions to observe your teaching in practice and provide feedback and direction based on what they observe.
LEARN MOREiLearn Course Templates
iLearn Course Templates are pre-made templates for your course that enhance interaction, improve course design and layout, as well as utilize new features in iLearn. To learn more about the different templates available, schedule a consultation with your college/school's Instructional Designer.