
Center for Innovation In Teaching and Learning

November 2022

Campus Pulse
November 1, 2022

During this session, we will present insights from data gathered through the Institutional Dashboard, student polls, and our latest round of Small Group Instructional Diagnostics (SGIDs). We will also discuss common themes across campus that students identified as pertinent to their overall learning experience. 

Creating Reports in Qualtrics
November 8, 2022

During this session, Dr. Mathende discusses the different types of  reports available in Qualtrics, how to create them, and what to look for  when  preparing a report. 

iLearn: Grading and the Gradebook 
November 15, 2022

In this training session, Dr. Kelvin Norman and Lauren Neal will introduce some of the more advanced features of the ilearn Grades tool, which allows instructors to create an online course gradebook. We will discuss some common issues and how to identify them.  We will also demonstrate some additional less-used features to untap the potential of the course gradebook. Some of the topics discussed will include setting up grade schemes, using bonus items, how to drop the lowest grades, calculate a mid-term grade, allow exemptions, and how to switch between a weighted and a points-based grading system. 

Replay: Engagement Strategies
November 22, 2022

In this session, we explore increasing attendance by designing for student interaction with the instructor, the content, and with one another. We will discuss including participation as a graded item, activities that encourage student motivation, and creating a welcoming classroom culture and environment. 

iLearn Semester Wrap-Up
Dr. Kelvin Norman & Lauren Neal
November 29, 2022

The end of the semester is the time to prepare iLearn courses for copying components to the next semester’s courses. This process involves updating Master iLearn courses, as well as cleaning up existing semester courses. In this session, we will discuss the exact procedures for adding, deleting, and modifying content topics, quizzes, assignments, discussions, and other iLearn components. The process of copying, exporting, and importing entire courses and between semesters is also explained in detail. Lastly, we will elaborate on the steps for selecting specific items to be copied as well as how to manage or offset start, end, and due dates.

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