Undergraduate Program
The Department of Computer Science curriculum is designed to educate students in the basic areas of computer science, including computer architecture, programming languages and operating systems, general approaches to problem solving and programming, as well as theoretical concepts dealing with models of computation and the design and analysis of algorithms. By appropriate choice of elective work, the student may prepare for a career in software development for scientific/engineering application, management decision support applications or graduate work in computer science. Students may elect to pursue the core curriculum or choose one of three concentrations including:
The Department of Computer Science provides all the tools and opportunities needed for the academic development of a professional seeking a career within computer science. All programs and courses are administered and taught by caring faculty whose primary mission is to teach and guide students.
Tentative Schedule of Course Offerings
Fast Track Program
The Fast Track Program is designed to enable Tennessee Tech undergraduates to accumulate up to 6 credit hours of graduate coursework while still pursuing their undergraduate degree and to transition to the Computer Science graduate program smoothly, with accelerated completion. These courses must be taken at Tennessee Tech University and must be approved as appropriate substitutions in the undergraduate curriculum.
The minimum requirements for applying to the Fast Track program are:
- Enrolled at Tennessee Tech undergraduate with junior or senior standing, or will be entering their junior year upon starting in the Fast Track program
- Completed CSC 2400 with at least a "B"
- Overall GPA of at least 3.25 and a GPA for CSC courses of at least 3.5
- Program participants should consult with their future M.S. advisor regarding appropriate graduate courses to take during their undergraduate study and must earn a minimum grade of "B" in the graduate courses in order to apply them to their M.S. program of study.
- Additionally, all requirements for full admission to graduate school must be met upon graduation.
If you would like more information concerning the program, please send an email to csc@tntech.edu
- Student: New or Interested students must complete the following application: Department of Computer Science Fast Track Application
- Graduate Advisor: The following College of Graduate Studies forms must be submitted for any Fast Track
student requesting to take courses:
- First-time course(s) taking (must be completed by advisor): Fast Track Program Acceptance and Course Credit Form
- Existing Fast Track student course request after first semester in program (must be completed by advisor): Fast Track Course Credit Form
- Additional courses beyond the initial 6 hours (students may initiate form – up to 9 additional hours at the graduate level may be taken): Request for Undergraduate or Graduate Credit Form
Computer Science Minor
Please see the catalog if you are interested in receiving a minor in computer science.
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