Welcome from the Chair
Welcome to the Department of Computer Science (CSC) in the College of Engineering at Tennessee Tech. Whether you are a prospective or current student, parent, alumnus, faculty member, friend of the university, or a visitor that just happened upon our page, we hope that you find what you are looking for. We pride ourselves as "The Place to be for Computer Science."
At Tennessee Tech we have proud traditions that have been established by our faculty and students but also look forward to forging onward into a future that holds many exciting challenges and possibilities for CSC students and community. We are the fastest growing department as Tennessee Tech, with approximately 576 students enrolled in BS and MS programs in Computer Science and an interdisciplinary PhD program in Engineering with a concentration in Computer Science.
Upon graduation our students move on to careers across many different sectors across the state, nation, and world with graduates finding employment all over Tennessee, in over 30 US states, and internationally in over 10 countries. The list of companies includes mainstream companies such as SAIC, Google, Microsoft, and IBM. In addition, we have graduates at research and development organizations such as Oak Ridge National Laboratory, health care companies such as Relatient, media companies such as Netflix, and financial institutions such as Unum.
Students participate in many different organizations ranging from the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), ACM-W (an ACM subcommittee for Women in Computing), Cyber Eagles & WiCyS (a Cybersecurity special interest group), the Data Science League and the Graduate Student Club. A few of our students participate in varsity sports, and others perform research with faculty and other research centers such as the Cybersecurity Education, Research, and Outreach Center (CEROC). In the classroom, students receive several opportunities to engage in experiential learning, especially in our senior capstone course where we pull projects from external customers.
As a department, we strive to be warm, friendly, and welcoming to all that enter. Our desire is to build a community of faculty, staff, and students that consider CSC an academic home where they can come to learn, socialize, and engage in their shared interest of computing. We hope that the Tennessee Tech experience will have a lasting impact that our graduates will look upon fondly.
So, take a look around and if you have questions or want to know more, contact us!
Gerald C. Gannod
Harry C. Stonecipher Distinguished Professor and Chair, Computer Science
Tennessee Tech Family Connection
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