The String Project

The String Project: 3rd-12th Grade

string project

Now Offering: Adult Beginner lessons

Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass and String Orchestra classes

Classes for 3rd-6th and 7th-12th Grader and Beginner Adults.

Informational and Rental meeting on August 26, 2024! Classes begin September 9th!


What is String Project?

Founded in 2015, The String Project at Tennessee Tech exists to provide area children grades 3-12 and adults with excellent string instrument instruction. The String Project has grown from focusing on 3rd through 6th grade string students across the region to now include advanced classes for 7th through 12th graders and even adult beginners. The String Project classes meet Monday afternoons and evenings during Tech’s fall and spring semesters.

The String Project is a collaboration between Tennessee Tech, The Bryan Symphony Orchestra, and Putnam County Schools.


playing at the string project


Individual Attention & More

  • Classes focus on specific technique required for each individual instrument

  • Small class sizes ensure each student gets the attention needed to excel on their string instrument. Smaller classes are taught primarily by Tennessee Tech music education students closely observed and guided by the String Project Master Teacher.

  • All string students participating in the project have an ensemble experience each week. This combined ensemble is led by the Master Teacher.

  • All Beginning String Project students are asked to take two classes per semester.


Basic Schedule

String Project meets Monday afternoons and evenings in the Bryan Fine Arts Building on the Tennessee Tech campus. 

Beginner classes meet 4:00-5:15pm
Intermediate classes meet 5:15-6:30pm
Advanced classes meet 6:30-8:00pm
Adult classes meet 7:00-9:00pm





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