Freshman Orientation (SOAR) - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Student Orientation FAQs

⪢ Do I have to attend SOAR? (top of page)

Yes, SOAR is required. Students must attend all of the scheduled events over the 2-day program in order to receive their Fall schedule. Please do not reserve a SOAR session if you cannot attend the entire program.

⪢ Can I bring a guest with me to SOAR? (top of page)

Yes, we encourage the student's parent/guardian to come with them to SOAR. During the program, there will be activities for both the students and their parent/guardian. There is an additional guest fee. Due to overall occupancy, we have a limit of one (1) guest per student reservation and recommend any guest attending to be at a mature age due to the duration of the program.

Please Note: Due to maximum occupancy restrictions, we may be unable to add guests after registration begins and sessions fill. 


⪢ How do I receive SOAR information? (top of page)

To receive SOAR information, a student needs to be admitted to the University. Information about SOAR will be sent in the Spring (mid-late March) the student's campus and personal email accounts. Parents listed on the student's application for admission will also receive information to the email address on file with Tech. The Office of New Student & Family Programs will send out SOAR information once a week to students admitted after the initial email.


⪢ I can't login to register for SOAR. How do I reset my password? (top of page)

In order to complete your SOAR reservation, students will need to login and access their TechExpress account before beginning the registration process. If you do not know how to access your account or need assistance resetting your password, visit


⪢ How do I get advised and registered for classes? (top of page)

As a first-time freshman, you will be advised by the Launchpad Student Success Center throughout your first year on campus. You will meet with your academic advisor at SOAR and also receive your full class schedule for the fall semester. While completing your SOAR reservation, you will answer a series of questions to help your academic advisor pre-advise you before orientation.

Your academic advisor is very knowledgeable about your major's curriculum, coursework and pre-requisites required, and will assess any pre-college credit you've received before starting at Tech. They will work to create a full course schedule for you that incorporates the necessary classes for your major while also working to incorporate some of the preferences you listed on your SOAR reservation. During your advisement and registration meeting at SOAR, you will be able to review your pre-enrolled course schedule and work with your advisor to make any needed changes.


⪢ How much does it cost to attend SOAR? (top of page)

Currently, there is no fee for students to attend SOAR. There is a guest attendance fee of $40 (up to 1 guest per student). At this time we are unable to offer any fee waivers for SOAR. Additionally, if a student and/or their guest would like to stay overnight on campus in SOAR Lodging, there is a $35 per person fee. Learn more about SOAR Fees.

The following payment methods are accepted: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover credit cards and debit cards with a Visa or MasterCard logo. 


⪢ I'm not starting until the Spring semester. Can I still attend SOAR? (top of page)

If you are an incoming Freshman student starting Tech in the Spring semester, you will complete Spring Orientation. Students admitted for the Spring term will receive information about Spring Orientation in mid-late November. For more information, please visit our Spring Orientation page.


⪢ I can't attend SOAR. How do I register for classes? (top of page)

If you cannot attend any of the sessions, you will be able to register the day before Fall classes start. For Fall 2025, classes start on Thursday, August 21, so you would be able to register on Wednesday, August 20. 

⪢ How do I reschedule my SOAR session to a different date? (top of page)

After creating your reservation within our system, you will be allowed to re-login to make changes to your reservation up to 7 business days prior to your initial scheduled date. Please refer to your email regarding the link to access the SOAR Reservation System. Please Contact Us if you have any questions or need assistance making changes to your reservation. 

⪢ I no longer plan on attending Tech. What do I need to do? (top of page)

Students who no longer plan on attending Tech should complete the Update Application Form. If you are unable to access this form please call the Office of Admissions at (931) 372-3888 or the Office of New Student & Family Programs at (931) 372-3245, and we will be able to assist you with your decision. 

⪢ What should I do if I'm not feeling well the day of my SOAR session? (top of page)

Please stay home and contact the Office of New Student & Family Programs at We will follow up with you regarding any next steps or adjustments needed to reschedule your orientation session.

⪢ My friend will also be a freshman this Fall. Can they come as my guest? (top of page)

Each student who is admitted to the University will receive an email with information about attending SOAR. A reservation for each student is needed in order to attend SOAR and register for their classes. SOAR sessions have limited availability so students and their friends are encouraged to make their reservations as soon as they can to get the same session.

⪢ What activities will happen at SOAR? (top of page)

During SOAR, students and their parent/guest will participate in a number of events, such as panel discussions, meetings with current students, staff, and faculty, and advisement for class schedules. Before leaving SOAR, each student will have registered for their Fall classes.

⪢ Can I stay overnight on campus? (top of page)

Students and their parents/guests are able to stay overnight on campus during the June sessions only (we are not able to offer on-campus lodging for the May or July sessions). If you and/or your guest need to stay on campus overnight, we recommend attending one of the June sessions.

Students registered to stay overnight on campus will be randomly roomed with another student of the same gender; guests registered to stay overnight on campus will be roomed by themselves.

Staying overnight on campus costs $35/person and reservations can be selected when registering for SOAR (if available). Participants are also able to make overnight accommodations at a local hotel, can stay at home (if feasible), or can stay with a friend overnight. For a list of hotels in the area please go to the Cookeville Visitors Bureau website. If you choose to stay at a local hotel, make sure to ask if they offer a Tech discount!


⪢ The SOAR session I want is closed. Is there a waiting list? (top of page)

Space is limited at each of the SOAR sessions, so please reserve your date as early as possible. Each session is available on a first-come, first-served basis. If a session fills up, it will be closed to any further reservations. Please choose a date that is open to ensure that you will be able to attend SOAR.

We do not offer waiting lists for any SOAR sessions. If the session you want is closed, we encourage you to register for the next available session that works with your schedule. Students can always periodically log back into the registration portal or Contact Us to see if any additional spaces have opened up in a session. 


⪢ Will I have to pay my tuition at SOAR? (top of page)

No. Due to the fiscal year (July 1 - June 30) and the Tennessee Governor's budget approval process, fees are not assigned for the upcoming academic year until after the new fiscal year begins (July 1).

For more information regarding how to confirm enrollment and pay tuition & fees visit the Bursar's Office website. Students who do not pay & confirm by the deadline will have their schedules purged and will be required to re-register for the upcoming semester.