Digital Signage

Digital Signage

Digital Signage

The Tennessee Tech digital signage network is strategically located across campus to promote announcements, news, student activities, campus community-generated content and events, as well as critical updates such as emergency information and weather advisories. The network consists of 120+ display devices, typically a wall mounted LCD screen, that can vary in orientation and size and whether it is a static or interactive sign.

The signage on campus is overseen by two departments: Information Technology Services (ITS) and the Office of Communication and Marketing (OCM). ITS manages the set-up and hardware. OCM oversees the content manager training, signage content (which includes templates), permissions and content approvals.

Need assistance? If at any point you need assistance or have a question, we want to hear from you! Reach out to me directly or the Web & Digital Media team and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible. If you're encountering issues with your sign hardware, such as a Windows login screen, a screen that won't turn on, or other issues, please contact the ITS Helpdesk at

Sara Wright Assistant Director of Web & Digital Media
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Submitting Content to Campus Wide Signage

Content can be submitted to the Office of Communications and Marketing to be reviewed and distributed to all sign mangers on campus. This is a great way to get your university-related messaging out to all sign managers. Remember that utilizing signage from the dropbox is optional and up to the sign manager, and that all submissions must be university-related, be submitted by a Tennessee Tech email, and meet minimum requirements

All submissions should be submitted at least two weeks before the start date of your graphics to allow for processing, allow us to notify sign managers about your graphics, and give the sign managers time to add the graphics to their signs before the start of the event. Signage that is submitted to the shared digital signage dropbox is not guaranteed to run on all signs; utilizing signage from the dropbox is optional and up to the sign manager. 

To submit content for review, use the button below. 






Web & Digital Media