Center for Global Experiences - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions 


Is study abroad affordable?

Tennessee Tech offers many affordable study abroad programs with prices similar to the price of attending Tennessee Tech. The Center for Global Experiences provides a budget sheet for comparing the cost of study abroad to that at Tennessee Tech.

Students can use their financial aid, including most scholarships, making programs even more affordable. Information about additional scholarships is available. An important part to keeping study abroad affordable is to remain flexible. We have had students intending on going to the UK, but they ended up in Finland and loved it!

Do my credits abroad count toward my Tennessee Tech GPA?

The letter grade you get for each class abroad will be converted into US letter grades. After your study abroad credits are processed, you will see them on your Tennessee Tech transcript in the "Transfer Credit" section. You will see the School name, classes and letter T(transfer) in front of each grade so it would be a TA, TB, TC, etc. The GPA for these study abroad credits are calculated into the Inclusive Combined GPA (effects Financial Aid, and Graduation Honors) which is explained on this website.

Will I graduate on time?

Yes, if you plan ahead! We can't stress enough the importance of beginning in your freshman year. Students should talk to their academic advisor and tell them that they want to study abroad then plan a semester or year into their schedule. They should then visit our office.

Will I be safe?

Safety is a priority and for that reason, Tennessee Tech is extremely careful about the sites that we offer. But it is still important that students use common sense. We offer safety tips in the Study Abroad Handbook.  We also have a list of websites that provide information on safety in particular countries and areas that have travel warnings. It is mandatory that students register online with the U.S. Embassy/Consulate.

Do I need a Passport or Visa and where do I get one?

Yes, for international study you will need a Passport and depending on where you choose to study and for how long you might need a Visa. A student should make several copies of the picture page of the passport. You should carry one with you, separate from the passport, should leave one at home and should file one with our office. If the passport is lost or stolen, having a copy will make it easier to replace.

What happens if the passport is lost?

Please make a photocopy of your passport before you depart and keep it in a separate place. It will be much easier to replace if you have a photocopy. You should see the on-site program director and contact our office. You will need to visit the U.S. Consulate or Embassy web page for the office nearest you. There you will find instructions on how to replace a passport.

What immunizations are needed?

That depends on where you are going. Check out the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

What happens if I get sick while studying abroad (insurance)?

Generally, when a traveler gets sick it is nothing more than a common cold or traveler's diarrhea, but on rare occasion, it might be something more serious. Tennessee Tech requires that all students studying abroad obtain health insurance to cover them while abroad which includes basic coverage plus medical evacuation and repatriation benefits.

You must check your present insurance to determine if it will cover you internationally. Just be sure you know about your coverage and know how to make a claim.

Where can I book an affordable flight?

There are many search engines that can help you find affordable flights. Please see our Travel page for links and information

What happens if a student cancels before going abroad or cancels before the program is completed?

Students must notify the host school/program and the Center for Global Experiences in writing of his/her intent to withdraw from the program. Program deposits will be used for any non-recoverable costs. The Center for Global Experiences will determine the financial penalty based on non-recoverable costs.

On a Faculty-led program, If the participant cancels after the airfare ticket is purchased then that student will be responsible for the remainder of the cost of the ticket not covered by the deposit. The remaining costs will be put on the student’s account. If due to extreme circumstances the Faculty Leaders and Center for Global Experiences decide to cancel the program, all funds paid by the students will be refunded. The Senior Associate Provost may make exceptions to this requirement in extenuating circumstances.

On individual study abroad programs, students will be responsible for following the host school/program's cancellation policies.  Federal regulations require students to return a portion of their federal aid if they are unable to complete sixty percent of the term. Tennessee Lottery regulations require the suspension of lottery funds for future semesters. However, a student may appeal TELS eligibility based upon extenuating circumstances beyond the student's control (e.g., documented medical emergencies or the death of a family member).

In the event of an early cancellation regarding the airfare reimbursement funding, students are required to provide proof of extenuating circumstances beyond the student's control (e.g., documented medical emergencies or the death of an immediate family member). If no proof is provided, students will be required to return the funding.

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