Center for Global Experiences

Step 2 — Recruitment and Applications

1. Recruit

Recruit 10-20 currently enrolled Tennessee Tech students in good standing. Note: Students must be currently enrolled in the course at the time of departure and for the duration of the trip and may not audit the course.

2. Marketplace Account

Follow-up with the finance person in your college to set up a Marketplace Account so that students can make payments online (students must make a deposit of approximately half of the cost of the entire program in order to secure their spot on the program).

3. Submit Roster

Submit a roster of the participants to the Center for Global Experiences including name, T# and email. Check group for passports and make copies/scans.

4. Students Apply

Have students complete online Student Application and make initial deposit (once applications are complete and appropriate deposits are made, travel may be arranged).

5. Faculty/Spouses Apply

Faculty Leaders and Spouses (if traveling with the group) must each complete the online Faculty/Spouse Application.

6. Registration

Make sure that students are registered for the corresponding course.




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