Bee Campus USA

Bee Campus USA

Bee CampusTN Tech Seal Sustainable Campus Committee

What is Bee Campus USA?

Bee Campus USA is a program created by The Xerces Society as an extension of Bee City USA. Bee Campus USA promotes awareness for all pollinators: bees, butterflies, bats, birds, etc. It helps campuses establish a safe, healthy environment for pollinators to feed and pollinate the plants they need to survive. We are excited to be Bee Campus USA - Tennessee Tech University and to follow the guidelines that Bee Campus USA has laid out. For more information, visit

Check out these classes on pollinators and IPM:
BIOL 3330 - Entomology
BIOL 2310 - General Botany
BIOL 3240 - Field Botany
BIOL 4330 (5330) - Plant Ecology
AGRN 4100 (5100) - Weed Science
AGHT 3030 - IPM
AGRN 3300 - Organic Farming

TN Tech IPM Plan 2019

Our Goals:

  • Implement a habitat plan that is safe and friendly for pollinators
  • Develop gardens with native plants around campus to help pollinators
  • Engage the community with workshops, classes, events and more
  • Post signage to educate the community on the benefits of pollinators
Bee Polinator



An insect home at the Native Plant Garden behind Pennebaker


  • Develop a Bee Campus USA Committee to maintain a Campus Pollinator Habitat Plan and Integrated Pest management Plan (IPM)
  • Host events to bring awareness to the importance of pollinators
  • Sponsor student Service-Learning Projects
  • Offer courses and/or workshops that are pollinator or IPM focused
  • Post signs to educate the campus and community about pollinators
  • Create a website that shares our Bee Campus USA news and activities (check!)
  • Apply annually for Bee Campus USA renewal



Middle TN Native Species Info

  • Goldenrod (Solidago canadensis)
  • Ironweed (Vernonia gigantea)
  • Tennessee Coneflower (Echinacea tennesseensis)
  • Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta)  
  • Butterfly Weed (Asclepias tuberosa)
  • Joe Pye Weed (Eutrochium Spp)
  • Virginia Bluebells (Mertensia virginica)
  • Wild Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis

Find a Native Plant Supplier close to you! You can also check out Tennessee Smart Yards for mail order.


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