Center for Career Development - Alumni


The Center for Career Development provides a variety of services, resources, and events that are of interest to Tennessee Tech alumni. Whether you are a recent graduate in need of career assistance, an employed alumnus interested in recruiting for your organization, or a proud graduate eager to share your professional story with students - the Center for Career Development welcomes your engagement.



The Center for Career Development is available for use by Tennessee Tech alumni at any time throughout your career. If you would like to view hundreds of job listings and post your resume for consideration by employers for potential job opportunities, login to Handshake.

Important note: Alum do NOT need to use their Tech email address. Provide your T# and Graduation Year to help verify that you are an alum.

Learn About Handshake


Frontal view of alumni building.

Crawford Alumni Center

Connect and interact with other alumni. Learn about special events, products, services and travel options available to you as an alumnus of Tennessee Tech at TN Tech Alumni Association.




Join the Tennessee Tech Alumni Association on LinkedIn.

Connect on LINKEDIN
Eagle on Derryberry Hall.



Check out Tennessee Tech's part-time, co-op, internship, fellowship and full-time job gateway for all majors. Current students use your Tennessee Tech email credentials to sign in.

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