Center for Career Development - Staff

Center for Career Development Staff

Our primary focus is connecting students to employers by offering web resume referral, job posting resources, on-campus interviews, and the cooperative education (co-op) program. By using any or all of these resources, you will meet the best and brightest students in the state of Tennessee!

This office is located in the Roaden University Center in Room 328 on the Tennessee Tech campus in Cookeville, Tennessee. You can call us at 931-372-3232 or email us at

Center for Career Development staff hold memberships in the National Association of Colleges and EmployersSouthern Association of Colleges and EmployersTennessee Association of Colleges and EmployersCooperative Education and Internship Association, and the American Association for Employment in Education.



Russ Coughenour

Russ Coughenour

(931) 372-6153

Alex Callis

Alex Callis

Assistant Director
(931) 372-3266

Sharon Stevenson

Sharon Stevenson

Administrative Associate 3
(931) 372-6153




Student Staff


Brandon Brown

Brandon Brown

Counseling and Psychology



Career Ambassadors

Peyton Pope Headshot

Peyton Pope

Career Ambassador
Mechanical Engineering

Ben Clark

Ben Clark

Career Ambassador
Electrical Engineering

Casey Martens

Casey Martens

Career Ambassador

Chantal Nizigiyimana

Chantal Nizigiyimana

Career Ambassador
Engineering Technology


Peer Mentors

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Jayda Hammock 

Peer Mentor
Exercise Science

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J’Mya Holloway 

Peer Mentor
Computer Science

Lilly Romines

Lilly Romines

Peer Mentor

Zoey Smith Headhsot

Zoey Smith

Peer Mentor

Kaitlin Kotasek

Kaitlin Kotasek

Peer Mentor
Ag Communication

Tramon Springfield

Tramon Springfield

Peer Mentor



Check out Tennessee Tech's part-time, co-op, internship, fellowship and full-time job gateway for all majors. Current students use your Tennessee Tech email credentials to sign in.

Check It Out