Center For Career Development

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The Center for Career Development is the university's centralized career planning and student recruitment center. We connect students and alumni with employers by conducting on-campus interviews, hosting annual career fairs, and coordinating the cooperative education program, which provides students with real-world work experience in their chosen major. From freshman year to graduation, our staff provides resources in career planning, resume writing, and job search strategies that enable students to make a successful transition from college to career.


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Spring 2025 Career Fairs

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Mailing Address:

Center for Career Development
Tennessee Tech University
Campus Box 5021
Cookeville, TN 38505-0001

Street Address:

1000 North Dixie Avenue
Roaden University Center
Room 328
Cookeville, TN 38505


Phone: (931) 372-3232

Office Hours:

8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CST
Closed from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. for lunch

Walk-In Hours:

1 p.m. to 4 p.m. CST

Contact Us

Handshake Logo


Tech students wanting to make an appointment for career-related issues can still make appointments through the Handshake system by visiting the link provided below. Students can choose between in-person, phone, and/or Zoom meetings.

Employment Opportunities

Students looking for part-time, internship, cooperative education, summer/seasonal or full-time positions should log onto the Handshake system with their Tech credentials.  The Center for Career Development adds 75 jobs per day on average to Handshake. 


Employers wanting to place jobs with Tech can do so via the Handshake system. Other employer requests (on-campus recruiting, employer specialty events, resume referrals, recruiting strategy sessions, Handshake access etc.) should be initiated by calling our office at 931-372-3232. 

Log In to Handshake


Cooperative Education

Tennessee Tech's Experiential Education Program, more commonly known as the Cooperative Education Program (Co-Op), is a voluntary and independent educational program available to students in all academic areas. All questions concerning your status as a participating Co-Op student can be answered by email If you have any further questions, call our office at (931) 372-3232.



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Check out Tennessee Tech's part-time, co-op, internship, fellowship and full-time job gateway for all majors. Current students use your Tennessee Tech email credentials to sign in.

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