Co-op Program
To form a co-op partnership with Tennessee Tech and/or keep a co-op partnership in good standing, you as an employer need to make the commitment that when you hire a Tennessee Tech student for a co-op assignment, you will:
- Complete the Employer Agreement Form and email it to if you have not already done so.
- Notify the Center for Career Development when you make an offer to a student and confirm the student's eligibility to co-op with our staff. There are certain university requirements that must be met for a student to be able to co-op. Those requirements are listed below.
- Notify the student they will be registered for the appropriate co-op course through the Center for Career Development each semester the student is out on co-op, including summer semester, and make this requirement clear to the student when recruiting for positions.
- Require the student to show proof that they are enrolled in the co-op course before they begin employment and do so every subsequent semester the student is employed by your organization.
- Share your student roster each semester with the cooperative education coordinator.
Co-op University Requirements
Students must meet the following requirements:
- Have a minimum overall 2.0 GPA (GPA must be maintained while participating in the program)
- Be in good academic standing
- Must have completed two grading cycles at the university
- Pre-registration will be required for students entering the program after July 1, 2019
- Must complete the Gold (freshman/sophomore) or Purple (junior/senior) Career Readiness Certification Program
- Complete a Co-op Orientation appointment through Career Development
- Maintain enrollment in the appropriate co-op course throughout the entire co-op assignment, including summer semesters
The Center for Career Development reserves the right to discontinue the co-op partnership with organizations who do not adhere to this policy. This may include not activating job postings in our Handshake job database and limiting on-campus recruiting activities.