Transfer Students & Transfer Credit
This information is specific to the Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering programs. Students interested in other programs should contact the appropriate department.
Transfer Student Information
Undergraduate students contemplating a transfer from other institutions to Tennessee Tech to pursue an Undergraduate degree should read the transfer instructions webpage and contact the ECE transfer student advisor. This should be done as soon as you know that you intend to come to Tennessee Tech to pursue a degree offered by the ECE department. It would not be too early to contact us even if you are still in high school. The Tennessee Transfer Pathway website has general information but you should still contact the ECE Department Transfer Credit Coordinator as listed above. In many cases, when a student delays contacting us, he or she will have taken many courses which will not count towards a B.S. degree in Electrical or Computer Engineering at Tennessee Tech despite advising done by officials at other institutions.
Transfer Credit Evaluation
A formal transfer credit evaluation is performed by the ECE Department Transfer Credit Coordinator when the University Admissions Office receives a transcript of your work from the other institution (not from the student). Courses from other departments such as Math or English will be evaluated by the relevant departments. Informal evaluations are subject to revision when the formal evaluation is performed. It is most important to apply for admission to Tennessee Tech as early as possible (months) prior to beginning studies at Tennessee Tech.
Taking Courses at Another Institution
If you are already attending Tennessee Tech, you should request WRITTEN approval, WELL IN ADVANCE, for courses you wish to take at another institution to insure that they are equivalent to the classes required for your ECE program. A form is available from the Records Office for this purpose. It is titled, "Request to Study at Another Institution." Since we have agreements with all the 2-year (not 4-year) Tennessee state community colleges, you don't need to process such a form to take courses at one of them. The Records Office will go strictly by the established articulation agreements in those cases. Specific information regarding community college equivalent courses, TN e-Campus, RODP equivalent courses, and transfer credit from other schools is on the Transfer Credit page.
Substitutions and Equivalency
A course, including courses transferred as "Electives", may be substituted for an equivalent required Tennessee Tech course. Equivalence means that the transfer course has substantially the same content and does not omit significant topics covered in the Tennessee Tech course, and that the material is covered at the same mathematical level and with substantially the same preparation in prerequisites as the Tennessee Tech course. All upper division engineering courses will be transferred by the university as elective credit.
ECE courses taken in an ECE program not accredited by ABET can not be substituted for Tennessee Tech ECE courses. Courses taken in an engineering technology program, a technical institute, an associate degree of applied science program, or courses taken in the military cannot be substituted for a Tennessee Tech ECE course.
To use courses transferred as electives to satisfy graduation requirements, you must submit to the ECE Department Transfer Credit Coordinator a Substitution Form with documentation sufficient for a valid evaluation. Catalog descriptions and other appropriate documentation such as course outlines, textbooks, etc, may be required. Substitutions must be approved by the ECE Department Transfer Credit Coordinator and, if not ECE, the department in which the course is offered.
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