Faculty Handbook - Deans, Chairs, Directors

Deans, Chairs, and Academic Directors

College of Agriculture and Human Ecology
Darron Smith, Dean darronsmith@tntech.edu  x3149
James Baier, Assistant Dean jbaier@tntech.edu 
Melinda Anderson, Director, School of Human Ecology manderson@tntech.edu x3157
Jinfa Zhang, Director, School of Agriculture jzhang@tntech.edu  x3019
College of Arts & Sciences
Daren Snider, Dean dsnider@tntech.edu x3118
Allan Mills, Associate Dean   amills@tntech.edu  x3139
Steven Hayslette, Chair, Biology  shayslette@tntech.edu  x3134
Jeff Boles, Chair, Chemistry   jboles@tntech.edu  x3421
Jeannette Luna, Chair, Earth Sciences   jluna@tntech.edu  x3121
Linda Null, Interim Chair, English   lnull@tntech.edu  x3343
Martin Sheehan, Chair, Foreign Languages   msheehan@tntech.edu  x3432
Kent Dollar, Chair, History   kdollar@tntech.edu  x3332
Michael Allen, Chair, Mathematics  mallen@tntech.edu  x3441
Stephen Robinson, Chair, Physics   sjrobinson@tntech.edu  x3483
Lori Maxwell, Chair, Sociology and Political Science   lmmaxwell@tntech.edu  x3437
College of Business
Thomas Payne, Dean   tpayne@tntech.edu  x3372
(vacant) Associate Dean   x3001
Julie Pharr, Interim Assistant Dean, Graduate Business Programs jpharr@tntech.edu x3600
Richard Rand, Chair, Accounting   richardrand@tntech.edu  x3358
Curtis Armstrong, Interim Chair, Decision Sciences and Management   carmstrong@tntech.edu  x3160
Sean Alley, Interim Chair, Economics, Finance, and Marketing  salley@tntech.edu  x3745
College of Education & Human Sciences
Lisa Zagumny, Dean   lzagumny@tntech.edu  x3124
Matthew Smith, Interim Associate Dean   mrsmith@tntech.edu  x3739 
Michael Hoane, Chair, Counseling and Psychology  mhoane@tntech.edu  x3457
Jeremy Wendt, Chair, Curriculum and Instruction   jwendt@tntech.edu  x3181 
Christy Killman, Chair, Exercise Science   ckillman@tntech.edu  x3467
College of Engineering
Joseph Slater, Dean jslater@tntech.edu  x3172
Kumar Yelamarthi, Associate Dean, Academic Affairs kyelamarthi@tntech.edu  x3834
Allen MacKenzie, Interim Associate Dean, Research  amackenzie@tntech.edu  x3172
Bill Eberle, Interim Assistant Dean, Graduate Studies weberle@tntech.edu  x3278
Kevin West, Chair, Chemical Engineering   kwest@tntech.edu x3297
Benjamin Mohr, Chair, Civil and Environmental Engineering   bmohr@tntech.edu  x3454
Jerry Gannod, Chair, Computer Science  jgannod@tntech.edu  x3691
Indranil Bhattacharya, Interim Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering   ibhattacharya@tntech.edu  x3397
Chris Wilson, Chair, General and Industrial Engineering   chriswilson@tntech.edu  x3845
Fred Vondra, Chair, Manufacturing and Engineering Technology   fvondra@tntech.edu  x3263
Mohan Rao, Chair, Mechanical Engineering   mrao@tntech.edu  x3254 
College of Fine Arts
Jennifer Shank, Dean   jshank@tntech.edu   x3016
Kimberly Winkle, Director, School of Art, Craft and Design   kwinkle@tntech.edu  x3738 
Colin Hill, Director, School of Music cjhill@tntech.edu  x3161 
College of Graduate Studies    
Julie Baker, Interim Dean jcbaker@tntech.edu x3463
Alice Camuti, Associate Dean acamuti@tntech.edu x6006
College of Interdisciplinary Studies
Mike Gotcher, Dean  mgotcher@tntech.edu  x3366 
Scott Christen, Interim Chair, Communication schristen@tntech.edu  x3060
Hayden Mattingly, Director, School of Environmental Studies   hmattingly@tntech.edu  x6246 
Steven Frye, Director, School of Interdisciplinary Studies   sfrye@tntech.edu  x3904
Dennis Tennant, Interim Director, School of Professional Studies dtennant@tntech.edu x3300
Library and Learning Assistance
Kelly McCallister, Dean kmccallister@tntech.edu  x3884
School of Nursing    
Kim Hanna, Dean khanna@tntech.edu  x3203
Barbara Jared, Director bjared@tntech.edu  x3460