Communications & Marketing - Publication Guide

Publication Guide & Review

All publications – whether printed on paper or in an electronic format – from Tennessee Tech are ambassadors for the university. The graphic design and text project attributes of the university. Tennessee Tech commits significant resources and countless hours to creating publications and materials intended to positively represent the university. Request Publication Review

This guide is to present all publication guidelines and requirements in a single place. This guide is maintained by the Office of Communications & Marketing and governed by Tennessee Tech Policy No. 1110, Publication Policy (available at

Publication Definition

Materials defined as publications that are subject to these policies and procedures are any Tennessee Tech publication, both printed and electronic format, which is produced for general distribution or display on or off campus. (TTU Policy 1010 § III.A.) This includes all forms of advertising.

There are some exceptions, which are noted in the following list. All other materials must obtain approval from the Office of Communications & Marketing.

  • Student newspapers and yearbooks
  • Student organization promotional materials NOT bearing the university signature or logo
  • Research reports (if only used for internal distribution to university officials or sponsoring agencies; reports for public distribution must be reviewed)
  • Research surveys
  • Classroom testing materials
  • Classroom instructional materials
  • Tickets for cultural or athletic events
  • Work processing forms

It is always better to check with the Office of Communications & Marketing if you are not sure if your publication requires review.

Publication Review

All publications – whether printed on paper or in an electronic format; new or revised – must be reviewed, approved and assigned a unique publication number by the Office of Communications & Marketing. The Purchasing Office cannot issue a requisition for the printing of any Tennessee Tech publication without the approval of the Office of Communications & Marketing. (TTU Policy 1010 § III.B.)

Required elements on all publications


All university publications must have the university signature (preferred) or logo (minimum; reserved for on-campus-only publications).


All university publications that will be used in student recruitment must carry the university's diversity statement. The full or minimum publication statements meet the federal Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights. The statement must be legible to an average reader. While there is no set location for the statement, it is usually put at the end of publications. At the end of the statement is where the publication's unique number is displayed.


Most publications will be assigned a publication number during the review. Each college or office has a code that is placed at the beginning of the publication number. The string of X's at the end of the publication statement represents the placement of the number.

Requesting a review

To request a review for a publication, complete the Publication Review Form below.


We normally ask for five business days to complete the review due to the amount of material that comes in as well as our office's other workload. We try to accommodate needed production schedules whenever possible, so if you will need to have your review completed in less than five business days, make sure you let us know when you submit the publication for review.

The review of the publication will make sure the university's signature or logo is used properly, the required publication statement is on the publication, general university facts are up-to-date and it follows university editorial style. The Associated Press Stylebook is used when editing publications.

Once the review is complete

Communications & Marketing will respond to the requester with any necessary changes and the publication number. Communications & Marketing staff may ask to see that the changes have been made before assigning the publication number and approving it for production.

After the changes, if any, are made, it is the responsibility of the requester to deliver the publication to the selected vendor for production.

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