Parking & Transportation - Citation Appeals

Parking & Transportation

Citation Appeals

A citation received by a student can be appealed to the Student Appeals Committee within (15) fifteen business days of issuance. Appeals submitted after 15 fifteen days will NOT BE CONSIDERED.  The Student Appeals Committee meets every 2-4 weeks during the fall and spring semesters.

Faculty and staff citations can be appealed within (15) fifteen business days to the  Non-student Citation Appeals Committee.  This committee meets three times a year,  usually in April, August, and November). 

  Student Traffic Appeals Committee Non-Student Citation Appeals Committee
(Faculty, Staff, and Visitors)
Governing Board Student Government Association Administrative Council
Number of Committee Members 9 7
Term 1 year, up to 4 consecutive years 3 years
Appointment SGA Senate University President
How to Appeal the committee's decision

File online at to be reviewed by the Vice President of Student Affairs or their designee.

File online at be reviewed by the Vice President of Planning & Finance or their designee.


Supporting Documentation

General Appeals Information

Policy 415- General Parking & Transportation Policy

Section C: Citations and Appeals, Items 8-12
Student Traffic Appeals Committee

Student Government Association Constitution

The “Student Traffic Appeals“ Committee is addressed in Article V: Section 7; Article IV: Sections 1-4
Non-Student Citation Appeals Committee

Non-Student Citation Appeals Committee

Policy 102: University Committees


Filing an appeal

Parking citation appeals must be filed online through the dedicated parking services website.  On this website, users can manage their vehicles and contact information as well as view their citations and appeals in one centralized location.

The address for the website is

The Student Appeals Committee meets every 2-4 weeks during the fall and spring semesters.  The Non-Student Citation Appeals Committee meets three times a year, typically in April, August, and November.

Users encountering any technical difficulties or having questions relating to appeals process should email Parking & Transportation Services at or call 931-372-6428 for assistance.

Canned Goods Forgiveness

SGA F18-003 Bill:  An Act to Forgive Citations and Improve the Community

To reduce the citation fee by up to $15.00, students can donate six canned, non-perishable food items to the Parking and Transportation Office (located in Roaden University Center, Room 122).  This offer applies exclusively to citations for "parking in an unassigned parking lot" and "parking without a valid parking permit displayed"; citations for parking in restricted areas like illegal parking spaces, fire lanes, disabled areas are not eligible for forgiveness.

Each student can utilize this donation opportunity once per semester.  Donations must be made within 15 business days of the citation date; any donations beyond this period will not be accepted. Furthermore, only citations that have not yet undergone the appeals process are eligible for forgiveness through food donations.    

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