Parking & Transportation - Where to Park

Parking & Transportation

Where to Park on Campus

Navigating parking on the university campus can be a challenge. To streamline this process, the university has established a color-coded parking permit system. Purchasing a permit may enable you to park in multiple parking zones; check the breakdown of permit colors and their matching zones below to see what zones your permit enables you to park in. If you have a red student permit, for example, you can park in red student premium parking zones as well as purple perimeter parking zones.

If you have any questions about parking permit colors or parking zones, let us know!


Parking Permit Zones

  Student Premium Parking Can park in red and purple spaces.
  Residential Parking Can park in redgreen, and purple spaces.
  Tech Village Parking Can park in teal and purple spaces.
  Employee Premium Parking Can park in goldred and purple spaces.
  Perimeter Parking Can park in purple spaces.
  Accessible Parking Can park in any legal accessible parking space, excluding reservedvisitor and campus-operated vehicle parking.
  Motorcycle Parking Can park in cyan motorcycle parking spots only.

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