Parking & Transportation - Employee Parking

Parking & Transportation

Employee Parking

Permits for the 2024-2025 academic year are on sale now.

How to purchase an Employee Parking Permit in the parking portal.

Allows parking in Gold, Red, and Purple zones
Purple zones only
Full-Time Benefited Faculty
(Faculty and Administrative Staff)
$310 $206
Full-Time Benefited Staff
(Clerical & Support)
$280 $176
Part-Time Faculty $310 $206
Part-Time Staff $280 $176
Temporary Employees $280 $176
Accessible Parking $176

Permit cost for low-income employees: Staff members with an annual salary of less than $33,500 may choose a Purple Zone Permit and receive a salary supplement, thus reducing out-of-pocket cost to only $20. This university supplement applies to the purple permit only; if an otherwise qualified employee decides to purchase the gold permit, there will be no university supplement and the employee would pay the full gold permit price.


Full-time Benefited Employees

We strongly encourage all full-time, benefited employees to sign up for payroll deduction during the annual enrollment period.  This is a convenient way to reserve your parking permit from your computer or mobile device.  The annual enrollment period is July 31 to August 31.  The total cost of your parking permit is deducted in nine monthly installments (September through May).


Adjunct and Temporary Employees

Adjunct and temporary employees may utilize payroll deduction using the link below. Employees may also elect to use a debit or credit card to purchase their parking permit in person.

Permits purchased using the link below will be held for pick-up in our office located in the Roaden University Center Rm 122. 

This link should only be used by Adjunct Faculty and Hourly Temps only.  Salary Temps must use the Parking Portal to purchase a permit.


Please contact the office of Parking & Transportation at or 931-372-6428 with any questions.


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