Purchasing and Contracts
Procurement Policies and Procedures
The following policies govern Tennessee Tech's purchases of goods and services:
•TTU Policy 570 - Contracts and Agreements
•TTU Policy 571 - Methods and Processes of Competitive Procurement
Tennessee Tech maintains a Procurement Manual, which sets forth the procedures of
the University that are in addition to, and necessary to comply with, the above policies.
The Procurement Manual was last updated May 24, 2024, and can be found in Policy Central
under Related Documents.
A written contract is always required when:
The service is pre-planned, expected, or regularly scheduled; or
The service has unique aspects that could lead to misunderstanding and/or potential legal action between the parties.
Some examples include: a person delivering a workshop or presentation; a person or group providing entertainment or an exhibit; a company building or renovating a facility; a company performing preventive maintenance on equipment; a company doing roof repairs; a large off-site conference hosted by Tech.
A written contract is recommended, but not required, when:
The service is routine in nature and involves very little risk to Tech students/employees, Tech property, and the Contractor.
Some examples include: fleet vehicle maintenance and small dollar repairs performed by the manufacturer or dealership; uniform cleaning or altering; vehicle cleaning; musical instrument repair.
A contract is never required when:
Booking air travel and hotel rooms for individual travel. These expenses are covered by our general travel policy.
Mailing Address:
Tennessee Tech UniversityPurchasing and Contracts
1 William L. Jones Drive
Derryberry Hall 301
Cookeville, TN 38505-0001
Contact Information:
Phone: 931-372-3491Fax: 931-372-3727
Campus Box 5144
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday8am to 4:30pm CST