Purchasing and Contracts - Purchasing From Another Entity's Contract

Purchasing and Contracts

Purchasing From Another Entity's Contract

Tennessee Tech may purchase goods or services from a contract awarded by another entity of the State of Tennessee as long as:

  • the contract was awarded pursuant to a competitive bidding process;
  • the vendor meets the bid specifications; and
  • the bid / contract includes language that allows other institutions to purchase under the bid.

This includes contracts from Tennessee Board of Regents institutions, University of Tennessee System institutions, State of Tennessee Department of General Services, Locally Governed Institutions (LGI’s), and other State of Tennessee entities.

State of Tennessee Department of General Services maintains an online listing of its contracts.

Tennessee Tech may also use contracts of certain group purchasing entities with which it has established an affiliation through a signed contract or other means determined appropriate by the Purchasing and Contracts Office.

Current group purchasing entities with contracts open for our use include:

Departments should consult with the Purchasing and Contracts Office before making purchases from any group purchasing entity’s contract to confirm that the contract is available for our use.

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