Kelsey Hewitt

Kelsey Hewitt

Kelsey Hewitt is an example of excelling academically while being super involved on campus. Hewitt is a sophomore at Tennessee Tech, where she is double majoring in French and Teaching English as a Second Language. The passion for these majors began before she reached college.Kelsey Hewitt in the Jeffers Learning Resource Center

“I’ve been speaking French for going on nine years now, through middle school and high school, so it was really important that I kept up that skill,” she explained. “I chose education on top of French just because I’ve always felt the call to be a teacher.”

With this calling, Kelsey Hewitt has big future plans. After graduating from Tech, her goal is to get accepted into the Teaching Assistant Program in France (TAPIF) program.

“From there, I’d love to go to master’s school in France and then become an English teacher in France as well,” she said.

She has gratitude for her advisors at Tech and is thankful for the advantage she has due to the fact that they are willing to work together to handcraft Hewitt’s schedule.

“Both of my advisors do know the other, and they’re able to work specifically with my niches and the things that really matter to both of my majors and that would be pivotal later in my college experience,” Hewitt said. “Having them work together to make the best experience for me has just been something that is so special about Tech to me and a reason that I have loved being a double major.”

Hewitt said Deborah Bernard, Associate Professor of French, and Juliette Duthoit, French Lecturer, have been extremely influential during her time at Tech.

“They have been so helpful for me among adding a French major on top of my education major as well as being so inspirational to me and believing in me every step of the way,” she expressed.

Kelsey Hewitt choosing a book from the Jeffers Learning Resource Center

Her dedication to her double major pours out into her commitment to her on-campus involvement. Hewitt is the secretary of the First Year Assembly within Student Government Association (SGA), a Trailblazer, and vice president of the French club. She is also a member of Alpha Delta Pi sorority and French Honor Society.

“As the secretary of the First Year Assembly, I lead a first-year group of students, whether that’s a first-year transfer student or a freshmen student here at Tech,” Hewitt explains. “I’m able to have this selected group of people where they will learn how to, one, be a part of the student government and, two, how to be a leader here on campus.”

Kelsey Hewitt spends most of her time on campus in the Student Government Association offices, Alpha Delta Pi sorority suite, and on Centennial Plaza.

“I spend lots of time in the sorority suite here on campus,” she said. “It’s just a great place where I can go and hang out with my sisters to just catch up and take a deep breath from school.”

She encourages students who are involved or considering getting involved on campus to be focused on living in the moment. Along with that, she has advice to double majors.  

“My advice would be to lean into those around you, making sure that your advisors know each other and that they put their brains together to have a double brain that could tell you every single thing that’s possible for you,” Hewitt stated.

Hewitt is passionate about surrounding herself with people who are in the same boat as her and will encourage her.

“My favorite memory at here at Tech so far has been my Big Little Reveal in my sorority because it was just something that I didn’t even know I needed,” she reminisced. “I was surprised by my big whenever I joined my sorority, and it was just such a sweet moment where I was able to bond with someone I had known for a year already.” 

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