Mostaq Hossain

Mostaq Hossain

Mostaq Hossain at his desk in the Ashraf Islam Engineering Building

After recently earning his master’s degree at Tennessee Tech, Mostaq Hossain, is now pursuing his Ph.D. in computer science and is specializing in cybersecurity and blockchain smart contracts research.

“My passion for cybersecurity and blockchain technology stems from my background in software engineering and my interest in securing decentralized systems,” he explained. “Blockchain smart contracts are revolutionizing industries, but security vulnerabilities remain a critical challenge.”

Although Hossain gained a deeper expertise in the field through his Master’s degree, he felt the drive to continue his education to further his career options.

“A Ph.D. provides the opportunity to explore complex problems and develop impactful solutions that can shape the future of secure digital transactions,” he pointed out.

Hossain has combined his academic interest with his career already through research opportunities at Tennessee Tech.

“I work as a graduate research assistant in the Cybersecurity and Blockchain Research Group at Tennessee Tech while pursuing my Ph.D. full-time,” he revealed.

With that being said, Hossain has to be extremely dedicated to effectively maintain both his academic and career journey.

“Balancing research and coursework require effective time management and prioritization,” he continued. “I plan my tasks in advance, set deadlines and maintain a structured routine to ensure I stay on top of both responsibilities.”

Hossain revealed that the most rewarding aspect of his graduate experience has been publishing and presenting his research at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) conferences.

“Recently, I was honored with the Best Paper Presenter Award in the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Session at IEEE CCWC (Computing and Communication Workshop Conference) 2025,” he announced. “Contributing to cutting-edge research that has real-world applications is incredibly fulfilling.”

Hossain credits his advisor and other professors to his success in his academic career.

“The faculty at Tennessee Tech have been incredibly supportive through mentorship, research guidance and networking opportunities,” he appreciated. “My advisor, Dr. Amani Altarawneh, has provided invaluable support in shaping my research direction.”

Specifically, Hossain mentions that the specialized program, research opportunities and faculty expertise made Tennessee Tech stand out when deciding where to pursue his Ph.D.

“The university’s Computer Science department and CEROC (Cybersecurity Education, Research and Outreach Center also provides access to high-performance computing resources and a collaborative environment that supports interdisciplinary research,” he explained.

Upon completion of his degree, Hossain would like to work in academia or the industry.

“My goal is to contribute to securing decentralized applications, particularly in smart contrast security, AI-driven vulnerability detection and blockchain governance,” he said. “Tennessee Tech has provided me with the necessary research experience, technical expertise and industry connections to achieve these aspirations.”

Hossain encourages people who are considering pursuing graduate school to choose a field that excites them, stay motivated on the end goal and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

“Be prepared for challenges but stay focused on the long-term benefits of earning a graduate degree,” he recommended. “Seek support from faculty, colleagues and mentors when needed.”

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