Theses & Dissertations: References
- Always start your references on a new page. Use the page break function to insert a blank page; do not use the Enter key multiple times.
- Type REFERENCES on the first line. Be sure to label this title as a page title heading to format it properly; see Content/Chapters for more information about headings. Master of Arts in English will also use this page title even though it is not MLA standard.
- Start listing your references on the next line.
- References use a hanging indent, which means the beginning of a reference starts all the way at the left and additional lines of that same reference are indented 0.5". See Microsoft Word's instructions to format a hanging indent; do not use the Enter key and space bar.
- Hyperlinks are allowed in your reference list. Links should not be underlined, and the font should be black. Do not manually insert line breaks into DOI's or URL's; however, breaks in DOI's or URL's applied automatically by a word-processing program are allowed.
- The reference page should not include any bolded words.
Follow APA style unless otherwise noted below for specific majors and LaTeX users:
- APA in-text citations guide
- APA references page guide
- LaTeX users: follow the APA references page guide when you type your references
- Chemistry students: use the ACS Style Guide (as approved by your advisor) for in-text citations and the references page
- English students: use the MLA in-text citations guide and MLA references page guide
The Tech library has additional citation and style resources.
The images below use APA formatting.