Volpe Library - TLC Testing - Test-Takers


We do not decide if you receive accommodations, we only proctor exams. We can proctor exams with the following accommodations:

  • Access to medical device
  • Area where student can sit, stand, or walk
  • Calculator (as specified by your professor during exam submission)
  • Class notes (as specified by your professor during exam submission)
  • Extended time
  • Formula sheet (as specified by your professor during exam submission)
  • Increased font size (provided by your professor during exam submission)
  • JAWS screen reader
  • Kurzweil (you need login info from the AEC)
  • Noise-reduction
  • Private testing area
  • Quiet fidgets
  • Read&Write (you need login info from the AEC)
  • Special clothing
  • Step out and return
  • Use of triangular or cushioned writing tool 

TN Tech Students receive accommodations from the AEC and choose the appropriate accommodations when scheduling their exam. If you need an accommodation that is not listed here, we cannot proctor your exam.

Non-TN Tech Students need to discuss their need for accommodations with the standardized test vendor or their professor.

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