Student Academic Integrity - Instructors

Reporting a Violation

As an instructor, you must report a suspected violation to the university if these two things are true:

    1. You met with your student as per Policy 216 (described in the Instructor Procedures & Deadlines) and still believe they are involved in an academic integrity violation; and
    2. You wish to impose a class-level penalty on your student for the violation. In other words, you want to deduct points off your student's assignment and/or class grade for the suspected academic integrity violation.

If you do not want to deduct any points off your student's assignment and/or class grade for the suspected violation, then you do not have to report your suspected violation to the university. 

To report a suspected violation to the university, you MUST file an Academic Integrity Violation Charging Document within seven business days after emailing the student to notify them of the suspected violation. These deadlines are outlined in Policy 216, and you must adhere to them unless there are extenuating circumstances. If you file a charging document after these deadlines without an extenuating circumstance, you are not allowed to impose a class-level penalty on your student for the suspected violation.

The charging form asks you to attach supporting documentation. Examples of helpful documentation include:

    • your syllabus and/or assignment sheets that detail what students can and cannot use when completing course assignments and tests
    • the assignment prompt
    • your student's assignment/text
    • the assignment/test of another student if applicable
    • answer keys
    • photos or copies of the unauthorized aid
    • Turnitin plagiarism report

Here are your options for your recommended class-level penalty:

    • reduced grade/points off on the assignment
    • zero on the assignment
    • reduced grade in the course
    • F in the course

The penalty should reflect the potential violation level. Suppose your student plagiarized because they paraphrased a paragraph and forgot to cite their source. Asking that they receive an F in the course is inappropriate; a reasonable class-level penalty would be to take points off of the assignment grade.

The Associate Provost reviews your completed charging document and adds a recommended university-level penalty in situations of repeat or particularly severe violations.

If you have questions about an appropriate penalty or anything else related to the charging document, please reach out to the AIO.


Be sure to review the Procedures Overview and the Instructor Procedures & Deadlines for information about the rest of the process.


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