Tennessee Tech Arboretum
Welcome to the Tennessee Tech Arboretum! Arboretums are named collections
of woody perennial plants or spaces devoted to specimens of trees and shrubs; in other
words, they are a museum for trees.
Efforts are made to label prominent
specimens and catalog members of the collection. The Arboretum’s certifying
body is the Tennessee Urban Forestry Council. Through its program that was
founded in 1991, its goal is to develop a network of arboreta across Tennessee
that are well-maintained, open to the public, and proactively utilized for
experiential education about trees and the important role they play in
The Tennessee Tech Arboretum, in its current incarnation, was started as an
initiative from the Office of Sustainability in 2020. The campus’ 267 acres
currently has a presence of over 90 tree species. As a University, we take pride in
educating our students and, with the Arboretum, we can also educate our
community and visitors via our landscape. Informational tree tags entertain
anyone interested in discovery. A planned interactive database for the trees will
serve students taking courses in the life sciences.
We hope you enjoy our Arboretum and that it brings you closer with the native
and cultivated life in Tennessee courtesy of Tennessee Technological University.
o Douglas Airhart, School of Agriculture, Professor; Arborist
o Daniel Combs, Department of Biology, Professor
o DeLayne Miller, Sustainability Manager
o Austin Sanders, Student, Agriculture and Data Science
o Emma Farley, Student, Environmental Biology
o Noah Trostle, Student, Geographic Information Systems
o Scott McCrary, TN Tech Facilities - Grounds
o Eve Bolich-Sledge, Student, Botany
Post Oak at TJ Farr
Post Oak behind ROTC Building