
EVS Job Openings

EVS Current Job Openings:


USDA Research Agricultural Engineer - Research Physical Science (Research Associate) Description: Performs research with the objective to leverage existing datasets and ongoing deficit and spatial irrigation management projects. Will develop a suite of automated, repeatable processes and tools for precision variable rate irrigation (VRI) decisions in real-time. Will integrate an open-source water balance and evapotranspiration model product “pyfao56” with field data collection, database design, quality control, visualization, and immediate analysis to support real-time precision VRI prescriptions. Will develop products that will be tested and integrated with ongoing research at the USDA-ARS Limited Irrigation Research Farm in Greeley, CO. Will prepare and submit final research results in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at conferences. Open & closing dates: 09/27/2024 to 03/21/2025. Salary: $80,665 - $104,861 per year.
USDA Research Soil Scientist (Research Associate)

Description: The incumbent will utilize ongoing soil and management data as well as pending sampling efforts, to measure, monitor, report, and validate soil health, C sequestration potential, and GHG fluxes for agricultural systems in the Pacific Northwest (at field and watershed/ regional scales). Ideally, the incumbent will have modeling experience and contribute to the calibration and utilization of a biogeochemical model to estimate how shifts in management impact C sequestration potential. Additionally, the incumbent will contribute to the development of a soil inventory including digital maps and a soil health management index, specific to the grass seed crop system across the region. The incumbent will lead the analyses and manuscript drafts and oversee undergraduate research assistants. Additional hypotheses and research objectives may be developed and tested as part of independent inquiry. Open & closing dates: 07/19/2024 to 12/31/2024. Salary: $78,044 - $101,454 per year. 


USDA RESEARCH MOLECULAR BIOLOGIST/GENETICIST (PLANTS) -- RESEARCH ASSOCIATE Description: The PPGRU's mission is to increase the productivity, profitability and sustainability of agriculture in arid environments by developing new germplasm for both traditional and alternative crops and by improving plant responses to abiotic stresses and to changes in the global environment. Emphasis is placed on oilseeds crops used for food, and biofuels, and establish new industrial and bioenergy crops for semi-arid regions. Salary: $75,783 - $98,515 per year. *ANNOUNCEMENT IS OPEN UNTIL FILLED OR 02/05/2025*
DOE/ORNL Postdoctoral Research Associate - Plant Synthetic Biology Description: In this position, the postdoctoral researcher will work in close collaboration with a diverse team of scientists to perform the following research tasks: 1) Engineering of plant hosts for regulating associated microbes, 2) engineering of plant-based biosensors for detecting microbes, 3) multi-gene engineering in plants, and 4) new plant synthetic biology tool development. The appointment length will be for up to 24 months with the potential for extension. Initial appointments and extensions are subject to performance and the availability of funding. Position posted on 10/14/2024.


DOE and Y12 Analytical Chemist Description: Work in the Gas and Organic Analysis Lab in Oak Ridge, TN. Responsible for planning, organizing, and conducting analysis of gaseous materials. Perform all aspects of analysis, including preparation of standards; calibration and standardization of instrumentation; routine, preventive, diagnostic, and quality control maintenance; sample measurement; and data review and reporting. Interface with program and laboratory managers to provide technical guidance on available analytical options and capabilities relevant to submitted analysis requests. Work with laboratory manager to review and modernize current procedures as well as develop new methods and procedures for analytical services as technologies, requirements, and customer needs evolve. Solve problems at the enterprise level involving longer-term strategies using advanced knowledge of a wide range of analytical competencies. Position posted on 09/26/2024.  
USDA Reseach Chemist - Researh Associate Description: ARS Postdoctoral Research are hired to supplement a lead scientist's resarch on problems of high national priority affecting American agriculture. This position is located in the Animal Metabolism Agricultural Chemical Research Unit. Located in Fargo, North Dakota. Salary: $72,553 - $04,318 per year. *ANNOUNCEMENT IS OPEN UNTIL FILLED OR 03/17/2025*


ORNL Postdoctoral Research Associate - S2S Predictability We are seeking Postdoctoral Research Associates who will support the Computational Earth Sciences (CES) Group in the Computational Sciences and Engineering Division (CSED), Computing and Computational Sciences (CCSD) Directorate at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). The postdoctoral researcher will conduct research on sub-seasonal to seasonal scale (S2S) predictability and translate the information into useful products for stakeholders to enable decision-support services. The ideal candidate should have a strong understanding of approaches to establishing a predictive understanding of climate variability and change, particularly in global monsoon regions. The candidate should also have experience using global seasonal forecasting systems and developing models for predicting S2S climate through conventional and artificial intelligence approaches. An understanding of the requirements to establish stakeholder-relevant S2S products is also desirable.  Closing date: 10/16/2024. 
ORNL Postdoctoral Research Associate - Earth Systems Modeling Description: CCSI is partnering with Vanderbilt University to launch a new project that will connect our combined science and technology strengths with communities and other stakeholders to serve real-world needs in the Southeast region and beyond. This project is part of a new CCSI initiative called Science and Technology for Applied Regional Solutions (CCSI STARS). The researcher will synthesize and analyze observational data and modeling outputs from multiple Earth system models. The researcher will also evaluate the performance of the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) land model (ELM) in Southeast forests using observational data, and execute and analyze high resolution ELM simulations to understand carbon storage and offset potential in SE forest ecosystems under different social-economic and land management scenarios. The researcher will have opportunities to interact with stakeholders to understand and address their needs using research tools and capabilities developed in the project. Position posted on 09/21/2024.


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