Scholarships - Request for Exception

Request for Exception

Any student wishing to request an exception to a scholarship requirement may submit a Scholarship Request for Exception form. These requests are considered on a case-by-case basis and may be either approved or denied. The University Scholarship Policy (No. 1204) states that the Appeals Committee has up to 30 calendar days to return a decision, although the typical turnaround time is one to two weeks.

Scholarship Request for Exception Form

Major Illness or Disability of Student

Any request for exception citing major illness or disability of the student will require the student to register and meet with the Accessible Education Center.  Students are expected to begin this process before failing to meet a scholarship requirement, if possible. The AEC will work with the student to determine appropriate accommodations that can be made to enable the student to meet either the full requirement(s) or a modified version. To protect your privacy, the Scholarship Office cannot directly accept a student's medical documentation. We will defer to the judgment of the Accessible Education Center to determine what constitutes a reasonable accommodation.


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